Friday, November 28, 2014

November KM Sneak Peaks!

We have 2 clues coming up from KM- from their Facebook page

1. Nyssa al Ghul
Other daughter of Ra's, and popular on the ARROW show- Nyssa is a deadly marksman, and a woman not to be scorned. Her ranged mastery would be an asset to the league, and expected of the ARROW gang

2. Daredevil
A marvel character with some deadly skills- who hasn't been as public since his Affleck Film (which apparently I alone enjoyed)


  1. I liked Kingpin in the Affleck film?

    1. But did you like the film in its entirety or just a part? Endalyon is firm that the entire movie is good.

    2. Kingpin was the ONLY good part in that film.

      Also, Bane goons?

    3. Only after Scarecrow Gang, but that requires Deadpool gang.
